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栏目:脑胶质瘤|发布时间:2021-01-12 14:36:21 |阅读: 1121次|










  Focal pontine glioma.A, Post-contrast sagittal MRI demonstrates an enhancing mass in the pons. B, Post-contrast coronal MRI. C, Post-contrast axial MRI.



  Focal brain stem tumors with an exophytically growing component are usually low-grade and well circumscribed (Fig. 13-2). They are typically dorsally exophytic tumors growing into the fourth ventricle or cervicomedullary tumors with exophytic growth into the cisterna magna and

  fourth ventricle . It should be mentioned that, in addition to focal tumors, some diffuse tumors may cause bulging into the fourth ventricle, cerebellopontine angle, and prepontine and other cisterns.


图13-2背侧外生性颈髓胶质瘤。A、 矢状位磁共振造影后显示一低信号病灶,在尾侧部分有强化。


  Dorsal exophytic cervicomedullary glioma. A, Post-contrast sagittal MRI demonstrates a hypointense lesion with enhancement in the posteriocaudal part.

  B, Post-contrast axial MRI.





  Diffuse brain stem tumors appear hypo- to iso-intense and hyper-intense on T1-weighted and T2-weighted MR images, respectively (Fig. 13-4). There is variable enhancement with contrast administration, and contrast enhancement in these tumors may be indicative of malignant degeneration. Moreover, the tumor boundaries are not able to be delineated on MRI, and the brain stem is typically enlarged and deformed.


图13-4弥漫性桥脑胶质瘤。A、 T2加权矢状位MRI显示桥脑高信号肿块。

  B、 对比后矢状位T1加权MRI显示低信号、无强化的脑桥肿块。

  C、 低信号,无强化的桥体肿块在轴向T1加权磁共振造影后。D、 T2加权轴位MRI显示桥脑高信号肿块。

  Diffuse pontine glioma. A, T2-weighted sagittal MRI demonstrating hyperintense mass in the pons.

  B, Hypointense, nonenhancing pontine mass on postcontrast sagittal T1-weighted MRI.

  C, Hypointense, nonenhancing pontine mass on post-contrast axial T1-weighted MRI. D,T2-weighted axial MRI demonstrating hyperintense pontine mass.






  下文主要报导德国巴特朗菲教授全切成人脑干胶质瘤3例及术后长期随访的病例,该良好的临床效果发表于2020年的脑干肿瘤手术经典专著《Surgery of the Brainstem》中13章Adult Brainstem Gliomas(成人脑干胶质瘤)。







  This 28-year-old woman had progressive gait ataxia and slight diplopia. A midbrain tectal tumor was diagnosed in her home country 4 years before her presentation to our clinic. The patient underwent 2 surgical explorations in other hospitals, and each time no more than a tumor biopsy was undertaken. Histopathologically, a pilocytic astrocytoma was diagnosed. As the tumor continued proliferating, the patient was advised elsewhere to undergo radiotherapy and thereafter chemotherapy with temozolomide for a period of 12 months. When the patient presented to our institute for the first time, the tumor had reached a very large size, extending from the midbrain into the thalamus, pons, and cerebellum bilaterally as shown on preoperative axial (a,b) and sagittal (c) magnetic resonance images (MRIs). As none of the previous therapies achieved efficient tumor control, we offered the patient extensive tumor resection. (d) She agreed and underwent the procedure in the semisitting position. Complete removal of this exophytic pilocytic astrocytoma World Health Organization grade I tumor was successful as documented on postoperative axial (e,f) and sagittal (g) T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRIs. The patient experienced no additional neurologic deficits, and her subsequent course was uneventful. (h) At 10-year follow-up after radical tumor removal, the patient continued to do well and remained recurrence-free.







  This 20-year-old woman had extreme headache due to obstructive hydrocephalus caused by a large dorsally exophytic midbrain tumor. At first glance, preoperative axial (a,b) and sagittal (c) contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was suggestive of a highgrade tumor involving the midbrain and upper pons. However, as the patient had no neurologic deficits, tumor malignancy seemed rather unlikely, and the possibility of low-grade glioma was discussed with the patient and her family. We offered her direct surgery without initially treating the occlusive hydrocephalus. (d,e) The patient agreed and underwent the surgical intervention in the semisitting position; transesophageal echocardiography was continuously monitored throughout the procedure for early detection of possible air embolism. A large median suboccipital craniotomy was performed, and the tumor was accessed via the telovelar approach through the fourth ventricle. According to the intraoperative mapping of the rhomboid fossa, the tumor was located superior to the left facial colliculus. As the tumor was well distinguishable from the surrounding brainstem parenchyma, gross total tumor resection was achieved and confirmed on postoperative MRI. While the patient’s motor function was fully intact after surgery, she complained only of slight hemisensory disturbance and minimal diplopia caused by mild sixth nerve palsy. Histopathologic examination revealed a pilocytic astrocytoma World Health Organization grade I. The patient received no postoperative adjuvant therapy, and her symptoms gradually resolved. Her further clinical course was uneventful. Repeated postoperative MRIs documented the absence of local tumor recurrence or other intracranial abnormality. (f) Eleven years after surgery, the patient was in excellent clinical condition and had normal eye movement and only minimal, nondisturbing sensory deficits in the fingers of her right hand. Axial (g) and sagittal (h) MRIs at 11-year follow-up show that the patient remains free of tumor remnants or recurrence.





  术中:(d) 半坐位手术。肿瘤上半部分经幕下小脑上入路切除,其余下半部分经四脑室经前额叶暴露切除。组织病理学诊断为乳头状胶质神经元瘤。

  术后:术后轴位(e)、冠状位(f)和矢状位(g)MRI显示肿瘤全切除。较后一次核磁共振是在手术后11年进行的;(h) 病人没有任何症状,过着独自的生活。

  A 36-year-old woman had severe headache and gait ataxia due to occlusive hydrocephalus, which was caused by an exophytic tectal tumor. The symptoms disappeared after placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in another hospital. Axial (a), coronal (b), and sagittal (c) T1-weighted contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images (MRIs) demonstrate the exact tumor location and its caudal extension into the fourth ventricle (c, arrows). (d) The patient underwent surgery in the semisitting position. The superior tumor portion was resected via the supracerebellar infratentorial route, and the remaining inferior part via the telovelar exposure through the fourth ventricle in the same surgical procedure. Histopathologically, a papillary glioneuronal tumor was diagnosed. Postoperative axial (e), coronal (f), and sagittal (g) MRIs documented total tumor removal. The last MRI was performed 11 years after the surgical procedure. (h) The patient remained symptomfree and was leading an independent life.




  The complex neuroanatomic organization of the brain stem presents a formidable challenge to neurosurgeons when operating on lesions in this complex, small structure. Within the brain stem, cranial nerve nuclei and ascending and descending pathways are contained here. Tumors can distort the normal anatomy of the brain stem, such as anatomic landmarks on the floor of the fourth ventricle like the facial colliculus and striae medullares, and make surgery even more challenging. The introduction of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring and mapping has allowed for safer surgery and assisted in formulating the operative plan while minimizing risk to critical brain stem structures.





  Moreover, the corticospinal tracts can be mapped at the level of the cerebral peduncles.A Kartush handheld stimulator (Medtronic Xomed, Inc.) is used to focally stimulate the midbrain with EMG monitoring of specific muscles. This intraoperative modality allows the surgeon to determine the location of the aforementioned pathways in relation to the tumor and safely make an incision in the midbrain. Localization of the corticospinal tracts assists the surgeon in an endeavor to protect them during the dissection around and mobilization of the lesion.





  对于脑桥背侧、四脑室底、延髓背侧和颈髓后交界处的肿瘤,我们倾向于患者俯卧位的枕下入路。小脑幕下入路可以到达顶盖中线区的肿瘤,我们也对俯卧位的患者进行此手术。后外侧桥、外侧小脑中脚、上外侧髓质和桥小脑角的病变可通过乙状窦后入路进入,远外侧入路提供脑干的前外侧路径,用于下外侧桥和前外侧髓质的病变。我们在乙状窦后入路和远外侧入路中都使用公园长椅位体位(park-bench position)。

  For tumors in the dorsal pons, fourth ventricular floor, dorsal medulla, and posterior cervicomedullary junction, we prefer the suboccipital approach with the patient placed in the prone position. Tumors in the midline tectal region can be reached by the supracerebellar-infratentorial approach, and we also perform this procedure with the patient in the prone position. Lesions in the posterolateral pons, lateral middle cerebellar peduncle, superior lateral medulla, and cerebellopontine angle can be accessed through a retrosigmoid approach, and the far-lateral approach, which provides an anterolateral trajectory to the brain stem, is utilized for lesions in the inferolateral pons and anterolateral medulla. We use the park-bench position for both the retrosigmoid and far-lateral approaches.


  The subtemporal approach provides access to lesions of the lateral midbrain. An orbitozygomatic approach provides additional access to the rostral pons, interpeduncular region, and pontomesencephalic junction in addition to the lateral midbrain. These approaches may be combined with an anterior petrosectomy for lesions located more inferior in the ventral pons.



  The complex neuroanatomic structure of the brain stem requires very careful microsurgical technique when resecting tumors. The small dimensions of the brain stem demand precise movements and good intraoperative judgment at all times. An optimally functioning surgical microscope is vital to operations in and around the brain stem.Intrinsic tumors necessitate an incision in the surface of the brain stem and require a thorough understanding of the anatomy. Although many tumors can be accessed where it is closest to the surface, it must bear in mind that this may not be the optimal route in some cases. The incision is usually small and less than 1 cm, which typically provides enough space for the resection of large tumors. Tumors in the vicinity of the corticospinal tracts in the cerebral peduncles can be mapped for a safe entry point. For tumors approached through the fourth ventricular floor, mapping of the floor is extremely important for placement of the incision to avoid cranial nerve nuclei, such as VII, IX, X, and XII. In addition, there are areas of the brain stem that can be entered relatively safely. Dorsal pontine tumors approached through the fourth ventricular floor can be entered through the median sulcus above the facial colliculus, suprafacial, infrafacial, and area acoustica. Tectal mesencephalic tumors can be accessed through the supracollicular, infracollicular, and lateral mesencephalic sulcus, while longitudinal myelotomies can be performed in the posterior median fissure below the obex, posterior intermediate sulcus, and posterior lateral sulcus for medullary and cervicomedullary tumors.


  Once the tumor has been reached, its consistency is evaluated and will determine the method of extirpation according to the surgeon’s preference. A tumor specimen should be submitted as soon as possible for determination of the histology. The histology will determine if a gross-total resection is feasible, which is more likely in the case of benign tumors. Depending on the surgeon’s preference, microretractors may be used. Tumors should be removed in a piecemeal fashion and not en bloc. If a cyst is associated with the tumor, removal of the cystic fluid aids in tumor debulking by providing additional space for manipulation. Ultrasonic aspiration set at a low intensity and suction rate and/or microscissors are more effective for solid tumors. Microbipolar coagulation and simultaneous aspiration of coagulated tissue may be used for soft tumors. The surgical resection must be confined to the inside of the tumor to avoid injury to normal surrounding structures. After a majority of the tumor is debulked, a normal boundary between the tumor and normal brain is sought. When delineation between tumor and normal brain is identified, gross-total resection is feasible in most cases. Tumor resection should be stopped when an interface between the two cannot be visualized because the decision to continue with debulking the lesion may increase the chances of postoperative neurologic morbidity. In addition, some tumors may be highly vascular and the vessels must be coagulated during tumor debulking, which may cause ischemic damage to surrounding normal brain.


  For focal tumors with an exophytic component, this protruding aspect of the tumor provides an avenue for surgical access to the tumor. Moreover, tumors that penetrate the subarachnoid space may contact or encase vital arteries, and those that penetrate the ventral brain stem may contact

  the vertebral or basilar arteries and their branches; therefore, these tumors must be approached with extreme caution. Tumors arising from the subependymal aspect of the pons or medulla with no or minimal brain stem invasion and protruding into the fourth ventricle comprise a subgroup of dorsally exophytic tumors that are benign and can be resected with success.


  脑干手术对神经外科医生来说是一个较大的挑战,但影像学、手术方法和术中神经生理监测的进步降低了与这些手术相关的风险和发病率。有或无外生成分的局灶性内生脑干肿瘤和原发性外生病变均需手术切除( Focal intrinsic brain stem tumors with or without an exophytic component and primarily exophytic lesions are indicated and amenable to surgical resection. )。尽管脑干手术的显微外科技术已经取得了进展,但这些技术的持续发展仍需要为患者提供尽可能好的护理,致力提高患者的生活质量。


  参考资料:1.Helmut Bertalanffy. Chapter 13 Adult Brainstem Gliomas. Surgery of the Brainstem.Thime. 2020.

  2.JAMES L. FRAZIER.GEORGE I. JALLO.CHAPTER 13 Schmidek and Sweets Operative Neurosurgical Techniques .Surgical Management of Brain Stem Tumors in Adults





